Friday, March 21, 2008

Audrey Woulard's Weekend Workshop in Chicago

Words cannot express how inspired I am! I just want to get out and shoot... I attended a fabulous workshop in Chicago last weekend with the famous, Audrey Woulard. Audrey is known for her work with children and babies as well as Pottery Barn Kids. She is amazing all around. A wonderful person with a spirit like no other. She is a woman we can all aspire too, as a mother and a professional business woman. I didn't know what to expect when I signed up for the workshop and I was completely blown away by her experience as well as how approachable and laid back she is. I just can't put exactly how I feel into words. I was so excited to see her studio. It has the most amazing light I've ever seen. The catchlights in everyone's eyes were amazing! flawless and NATURAL! So, as soon as I wake up Monday morning, I contact my realtor and start looking for a space! ha! Seriously, I would love to have a space to shoot during the blah blah months in ohio and somewhere to escape too. The light in her studio made me want a studio so badly! Oh and of course the opportunity to decorate it! We'll see what's in store..... Maybe sometime down the road. I also came home wanting a new camera, a new lense (well a few), etc. I don't think the hubby was expecting me to be all gung ho when I returned!

Here are some of the images from the weekend. What beautiful kids.... enjoy

Two Preggers in a pod....

Hello everyone!
I just returned from a wonderful weekend trip to Chicago where I attended a workshop given by the Movie star of portraiture, Audrey Woulard. My gal pal, Andrea, who now lives in WI, also attended the workshop. We were able to go to a lovely dinner on friday night, where we ate, chit chatted, laughed, and ate some more sans kids. It was a great escape from mommyhood although we weren't able to totally escape and have a few drinks since we are both pregnant. Before we knew it, we had been there for 4 hours!

Here's a snapshot of the two of us in Audreys studio before we had to say goodbye - boohoo. I had to crop out the bellies, my belly didn't look very flattering while sitting. This photograph was taken by Kristyn McBride, a photographer located in AZ.
Andrea modeled her belly for Audrey so I HAD to take a picture, well several pictures. Here's a snapshot of Andrea.

Here's another of the mommy star. you work it girl.....