Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Baby Jake

What a sweet newborn. I took these pictures of Jake when he was 5 days old. His big sisters are the cutest little things ever with him! He is so precious and so is his wonderful family.....A family full of kindness and love.
I love this profile picture. They all have the cutest little noses!
The proud big sisters

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tulips in Bloom

What a fun shoot with the Wendel family. The girls were having such fun giving each other big squeezes. I couldn't resist capturing the moment. Here are some of my favorite shots.. Thanks Wendel family!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fun with the Androjna's

When I went out to Pheonix a few weeks ago I got to spend some time with my sister n law and her family. They are expecting #2 in June so we did some family shots and captured my go, go, go nephew, Alex... He's so cute and spunky! It was fun spending time with them, great hospitality, and lots of yummy food!

Monday, April 14, 2008

My Family

I thought I would share a few pictures of my family from our vacation. The family picture was taken by my brother, Chad. My son, Drew, absolutely hates sitting still for ANY type of picture so he looks a bit like a deer in headlights, but this is the best that we got! I am nearly in tears because I don't have ANY good pictures of my son after taking pictures EVERY day! ugh! He is so busy and FAST. I can't ever get him to look at me either. It's so frustrating! He won't sit with my daughter for one second for me to take their picture together so it was amazing to get these few shots that I did. Of course the light was nearly gone by the time he was playing with her. I hope to get some pictures when the new baby arrives, wish me luck! enjoy.

My little angels......

Tribute to my bro

What a cute family! I can't stop smiling when I see these pictures. I just love seeing my bro so happy and in love with his family.

Baby Blues

Here are some sneak peeks from our family vacation. This is my super cute nephew, Bryant. He is such a little cutie. He has the most beautiful crystal clear blue eyes. enjoy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Lovely Miss Wendy's One on One

Hello again! I've been lacking in posting due to working on my photography through workshops and one on ones. I've been sifting through images and trying to practice lots. I recently spent the weekend in AZ where I took a one on one class to improve my photography skills with Miss Wendy Schulz. She is amazing and truely one gifted and talented woman! We had so much fun and the information and knowledge that I recieved was amazing and so inspiring! Thank goodness she was on board to deal with my pregnancy potty breaks, and just the chore of getting up and down. It was great to have her critique my shooting and help me enhance my shots with correct lighting/focus, etc. We had such fun in a field at sunset playing with backlight and then light as the sun sets behind the mountains. I have several images from my day with Wendy, but these are a few of my favorites. Thanks for everything Wendy! you were a fab model to practice on.... K

I love this picture. It's my reminder to take JUST 1 PHOTO!!!! I'm working on it!

The master and spirited Wendy! You can check Wendy out at