Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cutie Pies!

I had a great session with the Wilson clan last thurs. I just LOVE the pictures. So, here's a sneak peek for mom and dad! I can't post the best of the best due to their Christmas card, but I wanted to share some of my favorites... super fun and some great silly pics. I just love what I do and these kiddos were awesome and reinforced why I love photography. Now, I can't stop editing from the session! I can see so many of these images blown up throughout their house. These faces are faces you never want to forget! enjoy
thumbs up! Liam is such a ham and was having so much fun being silly. I LOVE this picture!
what a cutie miss haley is... she was very into taking pictures. so cute!

She just has that cutie pie little face. so honest and pure.

awwww! too cute. he just loves his sisters... It was easy to see the bond with big sis!
pure joy! Love it!

what a cutie! so innocent - yeah right! I know mom will like that comment:)


Anonymous said...

Wonderful Kimarie! You made it look as if they were actually cooperating! They are just beautiful and I look forward to seeing the rest. We had so much fun with you. Thank you, Kate

Anonymous said...

We don't think we're biased at all ... these are gorgeous children and incredibly good photos. These photos really capture their personalities. Well done! Can't wait to see the Christmas card! PopPop and Peg